Customer Testimonials
 Starlight is a reliable business partner and a positive addition to the Marine Corps Aviation Team. We appreciate the continued cooperation which greatly enhances our aircraft maintenance capability and positively affects our aircraft readiness.
- MCAS Camp Pendleton

Our personal experience with Starlight has been marked by not only by their professionalism, but their flexibility, punctuality and pride.
- MCAS Yuma, AZ

Starlight routinely requests customer feedback and has received nothing but excellent comments from the Maintenance Control Officers and Chiefs.
- Edwards AFB, CA

Starlight personnel continue to provide an excellent service by listening to the customer’s needs and providing quality efficient service.
- Selfridge ANG, MI

On many occasions, Starlight has gone beyond the scope of their contract in order to get the job done in the spirit of team work and mission accomplishment
- Stewart ANG, NY

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